Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Creative Writing Final Words

Sungwoo Bae

Before this class, I thought a good writing has to be well thought of and should not attract counter arguments. When writing, I always though beforehand the oppositions that could be argued against my writing and tried to counter the counter argument or just got rid of the whole material in the first place. However, seeing how my somewhat mindless writing of philosophy and robotics making a controversy which lead to a good source of debate, showed me that sometimes it’s good to be bold and without thought. Although I had no purpose to be so provocative, I was, and it was good see how it spurred many excellent opinions and thoughts from others.
To my Hubaes, I would like to recommend them to sometimes free write however they want on a piece of paper. None stop writing and just pour down all the words and thoughts in your head. Not only does it enhance your writing skills but you can really grasp some very creative thoughts inside your head. Most of us are too used to brain storming and sculpting a form before writing, sometimes we need to break all of those to kick our writing up a notch.
If the English speaking society has ever listened to a Korean song, it’s most likely that it’ll be K-pop. I always thought most of K-pop songs were without meaning and was concentrated on commercializing the song and artists rather than creating a ‘good song’. However, after going through the course of creative writing, I was able to listen to many varieties of songs in K-pop that I usually passed by and found out there were some very good songs to be heard. So for the English speaking society, I’ll try to filter some Korean songs good for the ear and also good for the soul.
Who is driving the bus in our society? Where is that person or group driving us and should we do something about it? These were the questions we talked about during our classes. If the Korean music industry were like free market, I’m with the idea of leaving as it is, letting it go where it wants to go. However, as we went on through our course, I learned that there could be some powerful people controlling the whole industry for their own uses. Now our problem is, can we stop them? And should we stop them?
It’s been such an enjoyable and meaningful class Mr. Johnson. You let the class explore many ideas that we’ve never thought of and let us talk about the things that could really affect our lives in the future. For the question about the driving bus… I think I’ll have to think more on that.

Monday, June 11, 2012

If it really wasn't there - JangGiHa and Faces

With light foot steps
I walked home
had a nap for three hours

the sun wasn't quite down
went out to do groceries,
while making a meal for one
Something felt strange that I nodded my head~ u ah ah ah

As usual
I had nothing planned today
Only when I was in bed late
Something felt strange that I my eyes sparkled in puzzle

In your eyes that flickered by, I saw the tears that wasn't even there
In your face that I first saw, I saw the past that wasn't even hidden
I wanted to check again if it really wasn't there

when my eyes opened naturally
it was 14 minutes till the alarm
while making my bed with aching arm
Something felt strange that I blanked, and was woken by the alarm~ u uh ah

In your eyes that flickered by, I saw the tears that wasn't even there
In your face that I first saw, I saw the past that wasn't even hidden

In your eyes that flickered by, I saw the tears that wasn't even there
In your face that I first saw, I saw the past that wasn't even hidden

I wanted to check again if it really wasn't there

Sunday, June 3, 2012


 Eye lids are beings of evil
 It constantly screams to engulf the light
 To shadow the shadow and darken the darkness
 Already in state of confusion
 Lights dance around without meaning
 before being destroyed by the lid

 Maybe this is why villains go bad
 the dark side is too sweetening