Saturday, December 10, 2011

How I started KMLA Life

 I rushed into the small space and sat down. I was half awake and shivering. The place was cold enough but the freezing sitting that I sat down on was just ice itself. Due to the shock from the coldness I temporarily forgot the agonizing pain in my abdomen. While in the shock my mind drifted through time and space. I pondered about yesterday, what I should do, and the entrance ceremony today. What?! Oh shoot the entrance ceremony! I quickly took out my cell phone. Dang it was 9:48 and I had to be at the gym by 10:00! The alarming thought took me out of my shock and the pain came back. Arr… I focused on my lower stomach muscle and pushed heavily! The beautiful smell ammonia filled the atmosphere and I rushed to be in time for the ceremony.

The Body Reading Journal 2

Mary Hopkin - Those Were The Days       enjoy it as a BGM : )

           I sometimes miss the days when I didn’t think a lot about what was going on in life. It is better to put it “couldn’t think” because I was in the age when one couldn’t really realize oneself thinking. I had no worries what so ever and just marched through life with a big smile on my face. After going though Junior high, I have matured a bit more and gained some abilities to think ahead and be more close to being an adult(still very far from adult though). I would look back in time and be able to feel how embarrassing my actions were in the past and make my actions on carefully calculated logical thinking rather than following my instincts. Though I enjoy thinking with myself and swimming through my past and future pondering, I really do miss the days when I had not needed to think and all.

           The days the boys in the body are having really awakened me the memories of my hakuna matata past. No worries at all about reality but enjoying all parts of life as it goes, going on body hunting adventures and standing besides friends. It seems people lose a lot of themselves when they go through maturity. Letting go of friends that were so close, forgetting the big dreams that we made thinking we would certainly reach, and even lose morality becoming colder and benefit seeking as we grow up. It is sometimes sickening to see all ourselves studying, working, and shedding tears trying to outrank each other when we’ve already had the world when we were young.

           Gordy, Chris, Vern, Teddy, though they are living with none caring families, it seems that they still got the world in their hands – standing and depending on each other filling the empty space made by their families. Though I’ve passed the age far from twelve, I think I still got friends like that I could really depend on spend time with. After I become an adult and grow old, would I ever have friends like these? Or would I become even more thoughtful and lose more of myself as I become more mature. It really feels like a trains honking behind be to become an adult though I don’t want to lose all these privileges of being a teenager… Maybe the train would stop if I go to neverland…

           The body really made me think about the times I had when I was young (I’m still young but younger I mean) and the friends I had and have now. Though I want to remain how I am, keep all of myself and even refuse to become an adult, I know that the reality would squish me as the 100 ton train goes over me. Now I kind of understand what the adult Gordy must have felt thinking of meeting the deer in the forest and calling it “the cleanest and best part of the trip”.